As TOSB celebrates 10 years, we bring together some of the most powerful ideas from our expert network in the TOSB10in10 series.
Personal growth and optimal performance are as much about taking care of the body as they are about the mind. In our conversations over the years with some of the most inspiring and motivating voices who have thrived against all odds, we have imbibed important learnings on caring for our mental and physical health. Here are 10 rousing perspectives from our expert network:
Srikumar Rao is founder of The Rao Institute, a unique community dedicated to helping individuals live lives of extraordinary accomplishment and deep fulfilment. He createdthe powerful “Creativity & Personal Mastery” course, an immersive program rooted in the teachings of the world’s Great Masters, which uses ancient wisdom to solve modern problems. It remains the only…
Founder, The RAO Institute
Watch full conversation: How To Cultivate Extreme Resilience With Dr. Srikumar Rao
A computer engineer by education, Tribes Strategist by experience and a personal transformation enthusiast at heart, Gautam brings his unique perspective to learning in the modern world, touching on ideas like belief hacking, authenticity, personal mastery and finding your tribe. At the very core of everything he creates, lies the playful, adventurous, and passionate energy…
Transformational Speaker | Host | Trainer | Entrepreneur
Listen to the full TOSB Podcast: Why Belonging Matters, As Conversation Starter with Gautam Khetrapal
Shayamal is a sports scientist and an EQ consultant, who has worked as a performance coach to various high-profile athletes, assisting them to enhance their competitive edge. His audience is all ears as he shares interesting anecdotes about various teams and the players, offering a sneak-peek into what makes these successful personalities the achievers they…
Sports Scientist | Performance Coach To Athletes And Executives | Motivational Speaker
Susmita Mohanty the Director General of Spaceport SARABHAI (S2) - India’s first and only ‘space’ think tank which she co-founded in 2021. S2’s mission is to present and strengthen India’s voice, both public and private, as a space power worldwide. Alongside this quest, S2 seeks to provide research-based policy guidance to the government, accelerate India’s…
Spaceship Designer | Serial Entrepreneur | Space Diplomat
Listen to the full TOSB Podcast: Entrepreneurship without Borders with Space Diplomat Dr. Susmita Mohanty
Aparna Piramal Raje is one of India’s most original thinkers on leadership, combining her lived experience with deep insights gathered from over 100 interviews with India’s most successful CEOs. Former CEO of BP Ergo, her family’s office furniture business, Aparna led a fast-growing business, before moving to writing and speaking. She has demonstrated leadership through…
Bestselling Author, Speaker & Educator On Leadership
Listen to the full TOSB Podcast: Building a “people-oriented” performance culture
Mansi Zaveri is the Founder & CEO of India’s most trusted discovery platform for parenting and child care, With over 10 million views per month, Kidsstoppress aims to empower parents to make informed choices. With a whole lot of passion and hard work, Mansi built into an enormously successful brand that today boasts…
Founder & Ceo, | Influencer, Parenting & Baby Care
Listen to the full TOSB Podcast: The “Superwoman” Syndrome and Other Roles Women Take
Winner of 5 President of India awards, 4 Limca world records, 3 international awards, 68 national and state medals, and 23 international medals, Dr Deepa Malik was India’s first-ever female Paralympic medallist. Having braved paralysis below the chest for the last 25 years has not stopped Deepa from accomplishing incredible feats including being India’s first…
Padma Shri, Khel Ratna, Arjuna Awardee | South Asian Region Representative – Asian Paralympic Committee | 1st Indian Woman Paralympic Medalist | Former President – Paralympic Committee of India | Co-founder – Wheeling Happiness Foundation
“Back to being human” – that’s how Nasreen likes to describe her work with individuals and organizations. An adaptive coach with over three decades of professional practice, Nasreen believes deeply in the inherent human values of achievement and self-growth. Working with CXOs and Entrepreneurs, she brings in an intriguing mix of Eastern and Western methods…
Executive Coach| Facilitator | NLP Coach
Watch the full conversation: Change the questions you are asking yourself, with Nasreen Khan
Kaustubh is one of India’s elite athletes. A former Indian swimming national champion, he started swimming at the age of nine and represented India at several Asia-Pacific championships. He is the only Asian, and the fourth person in the world, who has finished an Ironman on all six continents. His inspiring story, laced with intellect…
Ironman | CEO & Founder, Radstrong
Ajit is passionate about mentoring individuals and organisations to communicate their best. He is widely acknowledged in the industry for his human-centred engaging style and his focus on authentic story-telling, powerful ideas, compelling presentations and effective public speaking and communication. Over the last 10 years, Ajit Sharma has mentored some of the most prominent CEOs,…
International Public Speaking & Communication Coach
Watch the full conversation: The Story You Haven’t Told Yet with Ajit Sharma