Takeaways: The Inner Dimensions of Wholesome Leadership with Bharat Wakhlu

The biggest leadership challenges of today’s world are manifesting in three critical dimensions – the Intelligence, Spiritual orientation and Emotional stability & resilience of leaders. Building competencies across these three inner dimensions will be necessary to not just grow as a leader but to integrate inclusive and equitable growth for others as well as your business.

Leadership mentor and coach Bharat Wakhlu spoke on “TOSB Conversations” about wholesome leadership and how one can deploy the full potential of their intelligence, emotions and spiritual inner world towards developing it. Moderated by Communication Coach & TEDx Ambassador Ajit Sharma. Here are some excerpts from the session.

  • Wholesome Leadership is in evidence when people – in all walks of life, and at any stage of their lives – choose to consciously contribute to beneficial change.

They demonstrate the courage to take such initiatives and commit to undertaking suitable missions for the greater good of all. The term “all” here includes not just people, but other living beings, flora and fauna, birds, animals, and even Planet Earth.


  • Leaders across the ages, and even now, have gone about creating wholesome change, through the application of six distinct processes that they have personally “owned”. These constitute the 6E’s of Leadership.
  • The 6E’s of leadership are:
    • Establishing that an initiative to bring Change is needed
    • Envisioning what the new level/state would be after the change is brought into effect
    • Enlisting the involvement of other people to drive the change
    • Empowering people to reach the desired goal
    • Encouraging those who make the effort, and finally,
    • Exemplifying the right values, the guiding principles and behaviours through personal example
  • Owning the critical six processes also requires leaders to have a fund of capabilities, such as being articulate, creative, compassionate, clear-headed, convincing, credible, courageous, collaborative and calm in the face of adversity or any setbacks.
  • All the above capabilities, and many more of the qualities indicated, are “gifts” sourced from our Own Innermost Selves. Our Mind, animated by the energizing Life-Spirit, provides us with infinite resources that make for exemplary leadership.
  • The Inner dimension of our being, therefore is our own Mind, coupled with the extraordinary animating qualities of the Life-Spirit. Anything worthwhile that must manifest outside, can only be brought into effect, once we plumb into the sources from within our innermost being, and use them to strategize, plan and put the leadership processes into action.
  • A tree that is expected to be healthy and give rich and bounteous fruits, can do so only when its roots go deep into the Earth for nourishment and sustenance. In the same way, leaders who wish to make a meaningful and wholesome impact – in any sphere of their lives – can do so only when they understand, appreciate and gratefully rely on the Inner Dimensions, the interiority, of their own being.
  • A potent way to cultivate one’s Inner Dimensions is to reflect on the fact that our Infinite Mind, with its animating Life-Spirit, is the most valuable, and utterly irreplaceable resource given to each and every one of us – without exception. Besides, it’s been given to us for free! Appreciating this, and expressing Gratitude for our infinite Inner Dimensions, brings humility, and sharpens our ability to become leaders of an extraordinary kind

To watch the complete session, click on the link below.

For those interested to learn more on the theme of this Masterclass, as well as on additional topics related to Leadership, Self-Mastery, Emotional Intelligence, and Service, check out the book, ‘Navigating the Maze- Simple, Smarter Strategies to Fast-track Success’, by Bharat Wakhlu and Savita Bhan Wakhlu, 2017, Published by SAGE Publications India. The book is available online.

Reach out to us for Customised Interactive Sessions with Bharat Wakhlu for business leaders across various industries.