Chetan Mahajan

Entrepreneur | Author | Marathoner

Chetan is one of those few indigenous storytellers, who can make lemonade from the proverbial lemon – transforming a difficult situation into an opportunity. A blogger, author, and entrepreneur, he inspires resilience, creativity and encourages his audience to reinvent themselves.

Owner of an exceptionally strong will and positive outlook, Chetan’s life has been one awe-inspiring journey. When he was wrongfully imprisoned for a case filed against his employer, he decided to convert the darkest phase of his life into a compelling book – “The Bad Boys of Bokaro Jail”.

Post this testing period of his life, he came back to the corporate world even stronger and attained the role of CEO of HCL Learning Ltd. Owing to his son’s health condition and his personal calling for a different lifestyle, he made the decision to move to the Himalayas with his family. However, this move faced him with a new issue of finding the right employment prospects with gainful growth.

Resolute to overcome this challenge and combining his innate interests of writing, teaching and entrepreneurship, he has created the Himalayan Writing Retreat – his successful lifestyle business.

Topics & Formats
  • Management & Leadership
  • Motivation & Storytelling
  • CSR & Social Empowerment
  • Environment / Climate
  • Health & Wellness
  • Spirituality


Ignite talk about leaving the city for a Himalayan Village - WPP Stream Asia 2018

