Dr Sai Praveen Haranath

Pulmonologist | Healthcare Speaker And Mentor

Dr Sai is a renowned pulmonologist and critical care physician. With a wealth of global experience spanning over 27 years, including 15 years in the United States and ongoing remote critical care expertise, Dr Sai brings a unique perspective to the world of healthcare. While he is highly sought after in the medical community, Dr Sai’s true passion lies in simplifying complex medical topics for the general public. Through his captivating sessions, he leaves audiences enlightened and craving more knowledge.

Passionate about equity, excellence, and ethics in healthcare, Dr Sai firmly believes that remote care has the power to revolutionize access and improve patient outcomes, anytime and anywhere. As a forward-thinking individual, he is at the forefront of harnessing the potential of artificial intelligence through various ground-breaking projects.

As an accomplished researcher and speaker, Dr Sai has spoken on prestigious stages such as TEDx and numerous international and national forums. His involvement in the Telehealth Special Interest Group of the International Hospital Federation in Geneva showcases his commitment to driving global advancements in healthcare. He also serves as the medical director of the only registered clinic for the rare lung disease called LAM in his region.

Dr Sai’s dedication extends beyond his professional commitments. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he played an active role in global care delivery, contributing to both the scientific understanding of the disease and the social implications of the required response. His selfless nature has been recognized through awards such as the University of Connecticut Humanitarian Award and multiple Community Service Awards from the American College of Chest Physicians.

With an MPH degree complementing his medical training in the United States, Dr Sai brings a holistic perspective to his speaking engagements. He was recently appointed as an adjunct professor of pulmonary and critical care medicine at AHERF, further solidifying his expertise in the field.

Beyond speaking engagements, Dr Sai actively mentors start-ups in the MedTech industry. He serves as a grant reviewer for government and private groups. He also contributes his expertise to various esteemed journals as a reviewer.

His ability to blend humour with facts, sincerity with reality, and always infuse compassion into his presentations makes him an engaging speaker who moves both hearts and minds.

Dr Sai is currently practicing with Apollo Hospitals in Hyderabad.

Topics & Formats
  • Health & Wellness
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • AI and Health
  • Health and Technology
  • Demystifying Health
  • Trust in Medicine
  • Telemedicine
  • Critical Care
  • Air Pollution
  • Tobacco and Health